We Offer Next Day UK Deliveries on all stone orders received before 9am.
Open Mon - Sat 7.00am - 6.00pm, Sun 10am - 4pm
  TEL:- Quarry  Landline
07837 057464 or
Email us:-

The Process Of Custom made steps

  1. Enquiry for custom cut & supply steps made.
  2. Site Installlation survey arranged.
  3. Site Installlation survey completed.
  4. CAD Drawings & prints drawn up if required.
  5. Site Installation date booked.
  6. Steps Custom Cut to size.
  7. Steps ready for dispatch.
  8. Delivery of steps on same day as install team arrive.
  9. Steps hand fettled on site and installed to property.
  10. Customer signs off on work.

A Recent Install of Custom Yokstone Steps Kensington London. 2012

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What you will need?

Stage 1

Make your choice of stone for your steps from any of our genuine new yorkstone ranges

Stage 2

We will need the length, thickness and depth for each step required in mm (millimeters) and the number of steps ideally required,  if you are eperiencing any problems with this please call our team of experienced assistants on 07837 057464 and ask for step installation advice

Stage 3

When you have gathered the above information please email quoting "Custom Step Quotes" and we will be happy to provide you with an estimate for the work, once agreed,precise measurements can be taken and if happy we can start the install within 7 days of your deposits being made.

Get the job done right, and don't settle for second rate stone or workmen, get us to provide your home with the kerb appeal and class it deserves.

Make your choice reclaimedyorkpaving

TEL:- 07837 057464

or email us:-